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Festival Jazzinty - Mladi raziskovalci ter Becca Stevens Solo, LokalPatriot

15.8.2018 | 20:00

Koncerti in sessioni / Concerts & Sessions

Sreda, 15. 8. 2018 @ atrij LokalPatriot
ob 20. uri
Mladi raziskovalci / Young Researchers: Miha Gantar Solo Piano

ob 21. uri
Becca Stevens Solo
Solo koncert mentorice petja na delavnici Jazzinty Becce Stevens, predstavlja most med jazzom in jazzu podobnimi žanri. Tako bomo lahko slišali mešanico folka, jazza in etno melodij v skladbah z nove plošče Regina, na kateri gostujejo tudi legendarni David Crosby, Jacob Collier in Laura Mvula. / The solo concert of a vocal mentor at Jazzinty, Becca Stevens, represents a bridge between jazz and jazz-like genres. Therefore, the concert will be a mixture of folk, jazz and world music – the songs are from her latest album, "Regina", featuring the legendary David Crosby, Jacob Collier and Laura Mvula.
Becca Stevens, ukulele, guitar, vocals

Četrtek, 16. 8. 2018 @ Muzejski vrtovi
The Dutch Evening
Shapes of time / Tin Man & the Telephone
Zaradi dolgoletne povezanosti Jazzintyja in Nizozemske, se nam letos obeta “creme de la creme“ jazzovske ustvarjalnosti iz severnih pokrajin. Premierno se nam bosta dve zasedbi: / Due to the long-standing connection between Jazzinty and the Netherlands, this year, we are in for the crème de la crème of jazz creativity from Northern Europe. We are hosting two groups for the first time: 
Shapes of Time je duo projekt basista Marka Haanstre in violista Oene Van Geela, priznanih glasbenikov evropskih odrov, ki sta po 20-letni skupni karieri izdala ploščo, ki simbolizira vse vplive in izkušnje in bogate glasbene kariere. Njuna glasba diha in je pomirjujoča – kot odgovor na svet, ki mu vlada fragmentacija. / Shapes of Time is a duo project by the bass player Mark Haanstra and the violinist Oene Van Geel, two renowned European musicians who, after a career of 20 years, released an album that symbolizes all the influences and experiences in their rich musical careers. Their music breathes and is calming – as if responding to a world that is ruled by fragmentation.  
Oene Van Geel, viola, vocals
Mark Haanstra, bass guitar and double bass
Raphael Vanoli, guitar, effects
Tin Men & the Telephone so interaktivna, intermedijska in sveža zasedba treh mednarodno priznanih glasbenikov. Njihovi nastopi vključujejo unikatno telefonsko aplikacijo, preko katere občinstvo uravnava tempo, dinamiko, žanr in intenziteto glasbe, njihov vizualni performans pa pričara pašo za oči. Na festivalu Jazzinty bodo premierno predstavili svoj novi album World Domination volume 1: Furie. / Tin Men & the Telephone are an interactive, inter-disciplinary and fresh band of three internationally acclaimed musicians. Their performances include a unique phone application, through which the audience can adjust the tempo, dynamics, genre and intensity of music, while their visual performance is quite a sight to behold. At this year's Jazzinty, they are premiering their latest album World Domination volume 1: Furie.
Tony Roe, piano, keyboards, electronics
Pat Cleaver, double bass and electric bass
Bobby Petrov, drums, electronics

Petek, 17. 8. 2018 @ Muzejski vrtovi
Jazzinty presents Jazzinty
Pod vodstvom priznanega slovenskega skladatelja in komponista Igorja Lumperta, ki je prevzel skladateljsko pero in vodstvo zasedbe, bo letošnji petkov večer obarvan spominsko, zgodovinsko in nostalgično. Gre za “hommage” delavnici in festivalu Jazzinty, s člani zasedbe, ki so bili bivši udeleženci, mentorji ali nastopajoči na delavnici in festivalu. Čaka nas večer superlativov, glasbe, napisane posebno za to priložnost in poklon Jazzintyju. / This year's Friday evening will have a retrospective, historical and nostalgic feel to it under the direction of the renowned Slovenian composer Igor Lumpert, who has also taken over as the band leader and composer of the music written for this occasion. It is an homage to the workshop and to the Jazzinty festival with members of the band who were former participants, mentors or performers at the workshop and the festival. We are in for an evening of superlatives – music written especially for this occasion and as a tribute to Jazzinty.
Igor Lumpert & The Jazzinty Ensemble

Sobota, 18. 8. 2018 @ Muzejski vrtovi
Zaključni koncert  / Final Concert
Letošnji zaključni koncert udeležencev se nam predstavlja v novi preobleki. Predstavilo se nam bo 9 zasedb, ki bodo igrale glasbo vsakega mentorja. V zasedbah se bodo predstavili vsi udeleženci delavnice, prvič pa bodo z njimi igrali tudi mentorji. Tematske zasedbe bodo: Composition, Vocal, Los Angeles, New York, ECM, Film, Guitar, Groove in Free Ensemble. / This year's final concert of the participants has been given a makeover. We will hear 9 bands playing the music of each respective mentor. All the participants in the workshop will give their performances as bands, and for the first time, their mentors will be playing with them. There will be the following thematic bands:  Composition, Vocal, Los Angeles, New York, ECM, Film, Guitar, Groove and Free Ensemble.

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